Friday, April 18, 2008

Holocaust Memorial

This memorial is known as "The Death Pit". In 1942 Nazi killed 5000 Jews at this same place. The number of Minsk ghetto prisoners killed during WWII is about 100,000. The marble obelisk was built in 1947. It was USSR's first monument to Holocaust victims. The sculpture was added in 2000.


Dina said...

This is more powerful a reminder than any statue at our Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Thank you, Minsk, for having this memorial. Thank you, Olga, for showing us. Your sharing took courage.

Profile Not Available said...

I really like your photos, and I liked this one in particular. It left me speechless. Thank you, very much, for sharing it.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Memorials like these really hit home. They make me realise that these were real people, with real feelings, with real families, kids, mothers, grandmothers who were killed...for no reason at all.

Sally said...

Profound, moving, amazing piece of public expression. Shocking. But nowhere near as much as the reality.
Sydney Daily Photo Turns 2 today!

Jane Hards Photography said...

A very moving work of art that you have highlighted and and thankfully shared.

alice said...

So moving. Thank you for this photo.

Eric said...

A very moving shot... the use of black and white adds so much more to this. Very powerful.

Lake Lady said...

The only thought I can verbalize is "thank you".

Erin said...

What a haunting image. A very powerful reminder.

Joachim said...

Peter Scholl-Latour describes this memorial in his book "Rußland im Zangengriff". Really impressive, thank you.
Greetings to Minsk from Mexico-City!

smudgeon said...

A very moving memorial.

Glennis said...

This makes you think.Very powerful it should be shown more widely to make everyone think and remember this terrible event and the hundreds of others just like it that took place around that time.
Lest we forget.